Susan Stewart
President and CEO of SWBC Mortgage Corporation
Ms. Stewart is the CEO of SWBC Mortgage Corporation. Susan has impacted her company tremendously, she is well known for her commitment amongst her customers and co-workers. She serves as Vice Chair of the Residential Board of Governors of the MBA and is an MBA Board Member and Opens Door Foundation Board Member. Ms. Stewart is a past president of the Texas Mortgage Bankers Association and the San Antonio Mortgage Bankers.
From Susan Stewart
We deeply value innovation and providing new ways to facilitate a relationship between our loan officers and our customers
The feedback is coming in all the time… are you listening?
Most companies can afford to pay 100 basis points for origination, but companies are paying more than that. Without question that is setting companies up to give away all profits. This isn’t sustainable.
It would be really great if some changes are made to compensation requirements. The industry needs some carve-outs for the loan officer to participate in a price concession and sharing in that. But you don’t allow them to raise the price. This will correct the problem the industry has right now.
I think the lending community will find a way to create what is necessary, but it’s going to have to get driven from within the lending community.
We just need to have more diversification than we have today because that’s the world.
Bad behavior took over and it became not about creating a product for our changing demography– it became about creating a product that had a better yield.
Be nice to be nice. Or be nice because it’s good business.
About Susan Stewart
The human touch defines Susan Stewart’s thought leadership. Stewart envisions a world of mortgage banking shifting away from transactional services and once again defined by relationship-based services.
Stewart’s consumer-oriented approach also defines her ideas around transformation, both within a company and industry-wide. She encourages an open-minded tack based on responding to real time feedback and incorporating the human touch. This enables transformation both on the micro and macro level, making culture more productive but also ensuring a company has the right ethos and the right team. Constantly looking at this feedback and reassessing one’s tactics is the way forward for Stewart.
As on many issues, Ms. Stewart takes a blunt approach to issues of diversification in mortgage banking, believing that companies need to adjust or fall on the wayside. Mortgage banking needs to shift away from focus on a product with better yield toward a product that responds to changing demography. Part and parcel of this will be hiring employees from the communities the industry will need to target.